The Paid Advertising Certification

This 12 week certification will teach you how to support clients with implementing proven social media strategies for gaining new clients.

It will teach you every step of planning, creating and scaling social media marketing campaigns with paid advertising and organically.


By the end of the certification, you will know how to attract and convert more clients utilising social media but also be certified in teaching and mentoring clients to do the same.

It's time to Monetize your passion.

When you join

YOU’LL Get Access To:

12 weeks of live weekly workshops

You will be walked through the curriculum via live calls to ensure you understand everything and are implementing what you are learning.

Drop in sessions & live Q&As

There will be live calls via Zoom where you can ask questions, receive feedback and be supported throughout the entire certification.

Accountability pods

You will have access to accountability pods to help you stay on-track, implement what you are learning and practice the sessions.

Now is the time to up your social media game.

More and more people are wanting to get into the digital marketing space. There is a huge demand for this skill right now. This means there’s no better time to learn this skill than right now!

In this certification, you will learn everything you need to know about the psychology of why people buy, as well as the most effective strategies for how to attract, nurture and convert ideal clients on different platforms, and all of the top emerging trends.

The Paid Advertising Certification is a live accredited training course to become a Certified Ads Strategist so you can help your clients to attract and convert more paying clients using proven social media strategies.


This coaching training is based on cutting-edge research, and the exact same strategies and tools we have used to scale our businesses to 7 figures.

Inside the certification

Take a look at the modules you’ll work through during the 12-week experience.


To kick off, we will cover the basics of what it means to be an Ad Strategist and the terminology used in the industry.

You will learn:

  • What Facebook® Ads are and how they will help you scale
  • What an Ad Strategist is and all the ways becoming an Ad Strategist will benefit you
  • The key Terminologies and Abbreviations you will need to know to get started


In this module, you will be walked through how to set up your Business Manager account correctly to reduce the risk of any restrictions and how to install your Meta Pixel® onto a website.

You will learn:

  • The steps involved when creating your Business Manager Account on Facebook® (Business Manager tour provided)
  • How to install Meta® Pixel 
  • Apple® iOS 14+ update 
  • How to verify your domain 
  • Meta® Advertising Standards


In module three we dive into how to carry out effective market research and how to utilise social media to attract and convert clients.

You will learn:

  • What to do at the Research Stage to help your clients attract and convert their ideal clients, and how to do Competitor Analysis
  • How to leverage the different Social Media Platforms, and the differences between Facebook® and Instagram®
  • How to carry out Social Media Scheduling using different tools. You will receive tutorials on how to use creator studio for Facebook® and Instagram® as well as Hootsuite®
  • How to increase Social Media Engagement, with tutorials on both Instagram® and Facebook ®
  • Social Media Strategies for attracting, nurturing and converting clients


In this module we’ll teach you how to install tracking events onto a website for more accurate results and create audiences that will generate the best results.

You will learn:

  • The difference between Standard Events vs Custom Conversions  
  • How to set up Standard Events 
  • How to set up Custom Conversions
  • The steps to prioritizing your Aggregated Events 
  • Different types of audiences 
  • How to create warm, ready-to-buy audiences  
  • How to create lookalike audiences to help you reach more people 
  • How to create an ideal client avatar so you can perfect your messaging  
  • How to carry out cold audience stacking and cold audience mining to help you better target your audience with your campaigns


Module five will run you through the different aspects that make up an ad and frameworks on how to create ad creative and copy that will stop the scroll.

You will learn:

  • The Anatomy of an Ad  
  • The key to creating high-converting Ad Copy   
  • How to create high-converting Ad Graphics 
  • How to create high-converting Videos for your Ads  
  • How to create an Ad Library to help keep everything all in one place 


We will teach you how to set an ad spend budget recommendation based on your client’s business goals using an easy-to-use formula.

You will learn:

  • The differences between CBO vs ABO 
  • The process of setting an Ad Spend Budget


In this module, you will be walked through the step-by-step process of how to set up 7 different types of campaigns.

You will learn:

  • How to use Ads Manager (Tour provided)
  • The different Types of Campaigns you can set up based on your goals 
  • How to create Reach Campaigns
  • How to create Engagement Campaigns 
  • How to create Video View Campaigns
  • How to create Messaging Campaigns 
  • How to create Traffic Campaigns
  • How to create Lead Generation Campaigns 
  • How to create Conversion Campaigns


We’ll then show you how to set up your audiences and the different types of ads within your campaigns. We’ll also show you how to implement a special technique that will lower the risk of rejected ads!  

You will learn:

  • The process of setting up an Ad Set  
  • How to set up an Ad step-by-step  
  • How to create Dynamic Creative Ads  
  • How to create Instant Experience Ads
  • The process of duplicating successful Ads so you can create an even bigger boost in performance  


Learn ad strategies that build upon each other and how you can easily customize these strategies to tailor them to your client’s business goals.  

You will learn:

  • How to test different audiences so you can optimise your Ads
  • How to create Ads Sequences so you can nurture paid leads via email marketing 
  • How to create Freebie Campaigns to help attract more people to your world 
  • How to create Retargeting Ads so you can follow up with your leads
  • How to use Self-Liquidating Offers (SLOs) in your Ads to help you build your email list and upsell people into a more substantial offer 


Scaling time! Module ten is all about how to analyze the metrics of your campaigns to best optimize and scale your ads. We’ll also show you what to do when you encounter any issues with your ads or accounts.

You will learn:

  • Why Facebook® Ads sometimes get rejected and how to fix it 
  • Why Accounts are sometimes restricted and what to do about it
  • What to do if your Business Manager Account is hacked 
  • How to add Custom Columns so you can monitor and optimise your ads 
  • How to effectively analyze your metrics so you can see what is and is not working
  • The key to Scaling Your Ads and reaching a wider audience


Funnel building does not need to be complicated! Everything you could need to know about funnel and website building is inside this module. 

You will learn:

  • How to build a funnel from A-Z
  • How to create freebie pages and attach them to your funnel
  • How to create low price offer pages and attach them to your funnel
  • How to create high price offer pages and attach them to your funnel
  • The different platforms you can build your funnel on
  • What to include on your website 
  • BONUS: Kajabi® and Kartra® tutorials


Module twelve is your ultimate guide to successful email marketing and covers everything you’ll need to build a list of engaged, warm, ready-to-buy leads. 

You will learn: 

  • What email marketing is and how to set your objectives and plan
  • The different email marketing platforms you can use  
  • The steps to successfully building your email list
  • How to promote your lead magnet so you can attract more people to your world 
  • How to segment your email list so you can identify active from inactive users  
  • How to check your email analytics so you can optimize everything you’re doing  
  • How to carry out A-B testing   
  • How to avoid your emails going into people’s spam boxes

How you get certified

This is a master degree level qualification is accredited by the International Authority For Professional Coaching & Mentoring. It has been designed for anyone looking to take the next step in their career or start a business as an online business, marketing or sales strategist & mentor.

In order to get certified you will need to complete the below:

  • Curriculum Completion: We have a robust and detailed curriculum to provide you with all of the knowledge and resources you need to become a certified coach or mentor. You will need to complete the curriculum in order to get certified and receive your qualification.   
  • Assessment Completion: We want to ensure you understand what you are learning and implementing so there will be an assessment at the end of each module. This is for your benefit as they will help you gauge your progress and identify areas for improvement.


  • Client Case Study Log: You will also need to document working with clients either 1:1 or in a group environment. We encourage this because it ensures you are understanding and practicing what you are learning. You need to show you can apply the techniques and skills in real-world scenarios before gaining your qualification.


  • 12 Week Online Training Attendance: There will also be 12 weeks of live workshops and trainings. This is to help develop your knowledge and understanding of topics covered. Don’t worry, we have calls for different timezones so as many people can join our sessions live as possible.

Achieve Expert Status with Our Live and Robust Certification

Our Certification has been crafted by professionals and experts who have excelled in their respective fields, so you will learn from the best. You will gain strategies and techniques that have been tried and tested in real-world scenarios so you can become the best of the best coach or mentor.

Why Choose


CUSTOMIZED AREA OF EXPERTISE: We understand that every individual has unique talents and interests. That’s why our program offers personalized and tailored support. We want you to specialize in the area that resonates most with your passion and aspirations. Whether it’s business coaching, marketing strategy, sales mentoring, or any other field, we have you covered.

WORLD-CLASS AND UPDATED TRAININGS: Our Certification program provides comprehensive and industry-leading training. We will cover the latest trends, methodologies, and best practices. Our curriculum is constantly updated so you can stay ahead of trends and deliver exceptional results to clients.



HIGH-LEVEL SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE: We believe that learning doesn’t end with the completion of a course, so we provide ongoing support to our learners. Our experienced mentors and trainers will be there for you every step of the way and offer ongoing guidance. They are there to answer all your questions and provide valuable feedback to help you refine your skills and accelerate your success. We want to maintain the highest standards in our programs, faculty, and certifications. As a result of that, we will ensure you receive top-notch education and training to become an exceptional coach, mentor, or trainer.

A RESPECTED AND RECOGNISED ACCREDITATION: With our Certification, you will gain instant recognition and credibility. The International Authority for Professional Coaching and Mentoring has accredited our program and so affirming its quality and industry relevance. Your certification will open doors to exciting opportunities, elevate your professional standing, and give you a competitive edge. We are fully committed to compliance with industry regulations and standards. Our certifications meet rigorous requirements, so you can rest assured that we are providing you with training that is recognized and respected in your field.


Take the next step.

Whether you’re curious about something, seeking additional details, or ready to start your journey with us, our team are at your service! Simply complete the form below, and we’ll be delighted to assist you with any inquiries and enrollment requirements you may have.

Pricing Information


Pay in Full – £2497 / $3000

From £170 / $200 on a monthly payment plan.


Which of our certifications are you interested in?

Why Become a

Certified coach?

Becoming certified in coaching, mentoring, and training offers numerous benefits and advantages. Here are just a few of the reasons you should consider pursuing a certification:

Credibility & Trust

Certification provides instant credibility and establishes trust with clients, employers, and colleagues. It demonstrates your commitment to professionalism, competence, and ethical standards in your chosen field. Clients and organizations are more likely to seek out certified professionals, giving you a competitive advantage.

Knowledge & Enhanced Skills

Certification programs offer comprehensive training that equips you with in-depth knowledge, practical skills, and industry-relevant techniques. You will gain a solid foundation in your field, keeping you up to date with the latest trends and best practices. This expertise will enable you to deliver exceptional results and effectively support your clients or trainees.

Expanded Career Opportunities

Certification opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities. As a certified professional, you can pursue various paths such as starting your own coaching or training business, joining established organizations, or working independently as a consultant. Certification enhances your marketability and increases your chances of securing lucrative positions or attracting high-profile clients.

Professional Growth and Development

Certification is not just about acquiring knowledge; it is also a journey of personal and professional growth. Through the certification process, you will challenge yourself, gain self-awareness, and develop valuable skills like effective communication, active listening, and problem-solving. Certification programs often include mentorship or coaching components that foster ongoing growth and improvement.

Networking & Collaboration

Certification programs provide opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals in your industry. You can network with fellow coaches, mentors, and trainers, building valuable relationships, sharing insights, and collaborating on projects. These connections can lead to collaborations, referrals, and continuous learning from peers in your field.

Industry Recognition & Standards

Certification aligns you with recognized industry standards and best practices. It demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a high level of professionalism and adhering to ethical guidelines. Being part of a certified community enhances the reputation of the industry as a whole and contributes to its overall credibility.

Your questions answered

Because we get it – this is a BIG decision.


3-12 month depending on how much time you can commit each week and depending when you join the certification due to the 12 week workshops.

The next live cohort starts in September 2023 however you will get access to the curriculum straight away so you can start working through it.


The certification is accredited by CPD and by the Internation Authority For Professional Coaching & Mentoring at a level 6 which is equivalent to a masters degree.


In total the certification is 200 hours. This includes the training, 12 week workshop, assessments, recommended reading and case study client work.

Have you got any questions?

Send us a message below or DM us on Instagram.